Thursday, June 14, 2012

City of Fear

and Loathing, Monsieur
Thompson might be right--
the American Dream dead
and dying on the footsteps
of Caesar's Palace, next to
the next monolithic resort
and spa, relax and spend--
you're buying emptiness.

Hey, listen up, you'll only
hear this once, the grandeur
and the parties aren't real,
but neither is the job you just
lost, neither is the penny in
the slots, neither are you if
you don't see that we are all
part of a game, a game played
with limousines and cocktails

and there's no hope in it. But
jesus, you'll go crazy if you don't
hope for anything, hope can
take the struggle and put it on its
head, if you can discern what
to hope for.

In any case, the streets are active
finally, mamacitas walking babies
into the night in their strollers,
b-ballers playing the court, players
playing the court but also the court-
room and the blackjack table, if you're
not careful you'll wind up there too.

Maybe hope isn't in an election, especially
this election season, maybe hope isn't
hanging out smoking blunts in their cars,
maybe hope isn't but it is too, and if the
paradox confuses you, don't even try

to understand what can't be is. It is and it's
sad that  two options present themselves--
poverty here or poverty there, hopelessness
here or hope there.

The dream lives but maybe dies and I need
to die before I die but I got two souls
here caught up in the tires
of nofuture allfuture and leaving might
not be in my hand. Shit, dealer,


1 comment:

  1. Hey Its Katie. DO NOT go look at this blog page! haha. I just created it yesterday because I was sick and bored and there is nothing on it and I don't know when there will be. But it did make it pretty convenient to be able to comment you :D

    I read your entire June page just now. I think your an awesome writer my man. I totally dig your style, even down to how you break up your sentences and vary stanza lengths.

    I think this one is my favorite so far. :D I had to keep stopping and re-reading, but I love when I have to do that. It means I'm doing lots of thinking in between each word. I love your paradox usage, And your ending is awesome because I think we're all at a kind of stage where everything or nothing is ahead of us and its...scary and exciting
    But its easy to let the scare factor outweigh the excitement of things to come when facing the endless possibilities of the unknown future solo (especially with MS lol), but you gave me a chance to step back and realize we're all facing the same infinite unknown every single day and in that the human race is united. We are not alone, even if just for the simple reason that living beings on this planet are not supposed to exist alone. So I guess I'm trying to say thanks for making me feel less alone. Its refreshing to see someone thinking.
