Monday, June 25, 2012

Please be sure to give my middle finger as a gift to His Majesty

James Bond and Robinson Crusoe fence
with Horus, the Wise-blooded mud-blooded
African King. Birdman calls his neighbor,
Stephen King, who writes seven books
and the climax is a grand master jazz duel
between Birdman Horus and Crusoe Bond.

The duel will commence when
the elephant puts down the joint
and hits the books, and
Sinatra will pull out his
[puck] while singing Crusoe’s favorite
song. Islands of stop-watches
later, salt water seeps into Horus’
belt-loop hoodoo voodoo redo,
linseed oil combined with piggies,
piggie bones and piggie tails,
and just a pinch of piggie nose.

Remember, two spaces back is
actually one finger away from a canary;
and each time the cards give way to armies,
let it be known that luck will always pull it back.

Boron and Jamba Juice,
chloride and popping the clutch,
elbows and pumice stones,
oh tell me why the bears aren’t
singing in their cages, or how the green-
bottomed Hesse could ever be
born again.

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